Friday, June 3, 2011

Be Your Own Boss, Be an Owner of a Home Enterprise

A lot of people think about being their own boss. Often when asked why they want to start their own home based Enterprise, a frequent answer I hear is "to be my own boss". I wonder, however, how many people really give it that much thought. What does it really mean to "be your own boss"?
For one thing, it means there is no one to tell you what to do. In a network marketing home Enterprise, you may have people such as your up line "advising" you, but they will not be your boss. While that thought might may bring a smile across most people's faces, there is a reality there that you have to deal with. Since you are your own boss, you must control your own time and how it's spent. And that will often mean working more hours per day than you might perhaps have envisioned. It may require you to force yourself outside of your comfort zone do things you haven't done before to build that Enterprise.
So if you're ready to really be your own boss and not just fantasize about it, this is a good time to start up on your own.

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