Friday, June 3, 2011

Pears of the Home Enterprises

You've heard the term 'fruits of his/her labor' before haven't you? That is referring to a long term commitment that after some time, gives its payout. In terms of fruit, think of what would happen if you planted a pear tree in your yard. At first it would be a small sapling and in fact for two years it would be just a small tree not bearing any fruit at all. And during that time, you would have to pay close attention to it to see that it grows.
You would have to attend to propping it up during storms and making sure it has enough water during the dry season. But once the pear tree becomes mature, it will begin to bear fruit. Not only once, but season after season. Once it becomes a full grown tree, it will require less attention and will increasingly be a provider for you, providing you with more and more fruit.
I'm sure you see the analogy here when you consider what happens with a home based Enterprise. They generally don't just take off right away. In spite of what some web sites tend to advertise, they don't just start paying off overnight. They require continuous nurturing and lots of attention. Just like the tree, they require your regular vigilance and watch. Then one day, they will be profitable and give you the fruit of your labor.

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