Friday, June 3, 2011

Home Enterprise for Spending Leisure Time

Have you ever heard the expression "procrastination is the thief of time"? What that is referring to is the more you procrastinate on something the more time just slips away and the less likely it is that that something will get done. Is your 'something' the idea of starting a home based Enterprise but somehow you might be thinking procrastinating thoughts? Two of the ones I hear a lot are of "Maybe I should wait until the economy gets better" or "Maybe I should wait until I learn more about running a Enterprise" (or some variation of those).
Maybe I should wait until ___ (fill in the blank). There are probably hundreds of things you could fill in there, but the point here is unnecessary procrastination. When is procrastination necessary? It may genuinely wise in some instances to put something off with good reason. But the difference between wisely putting something aside and outright procrastination is subtle but significant. If you are 100% serious about doing something and you put it aside, then you will come back to it. If you are only half serious or only toying with an idea, and you put it off, you may or may not come back to it Or you may keep finding things to fill in that blank with.

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