Friday, June 3, 2011

Convert your Time into Money

When you work at a job, you are essentially trading time for money. You work 8 hours a day, you get paid for 8 hours. And if you work more than a certain number of hours, you get paid an overtime rate. It works similarly for people who are on salary (except for the overtime part).
On the last job I had before I quit and started my own home based Enterprise, I was in one of those 'salaried' jobs. That meant there was no need to punch a clock or report my hours to anyone: I was just paid the same no matter how many hours I worked. Even under that arrangement, I was still trading time for money because there was this overall expectation that I would be there at least 40 hours per week and on the average of 8 hours per day. Either way you wrap it, you're trading time for money.
For many people, that's a perfectly good arrangement. That's the norm and that's what they expect. They never stop to question it. But many people, especially now, are beginning to wake up to the fact that as long as you are trading time for money, you will never achieve abundance and/or prosperity in your life. That is almost universally true in the ‘job' world unless you can land a very high paying job that affords you abundance. Those jobs by the way are drying up quickly and what few are left have more competition than ever.
For those people that do wake up to the value of their time, I cannot think of anything better than a home based Enterprise. A home Enterprise will take work – don't get me wrong. But the big difference is that today's work can turn into tomorrow's money. The 8 hours you work today on your home based Enterprise can provide you with income many years into the future. It is one of the few arenas of Enterprise that can make that claim.
As they say: You can always get more money but you can't have any more time.

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