Friday, June 3, 2011

Integrating Work and Home

Is there a difference between "Work from home" and "Home based Enterprise"? You bet there is. To a lot of people they mean the same thing but there is a fundamental difference between the two. A Work from Home arrangement implies just that -- that you will do some work from home. This could be a Enterprise or it could be just a job that you are able to work from home.
For example, many call centers have started to adopt the model of letting their call center agents work from home. Their technology allows not only for the routing of calls to the call center agents, but it tracks their time. This is an example of a "Work from Home" arrangement. But this is not a home based Enterprise.
In a home based Enterprise, you must commit to it and work to build it up just like any other Enterprise. And unlike the Work from Home arrangement example above, you will not get a steady paycheck from it. However, you can achieve an income if you work the Enterprise but it's not a pay-by-the-hour like the call center example above. When you are researching home based Enterprise opportunities make sure you make that distinction in your mind. Do you want to Work from Home or do you want a Home Based Enterprise?

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