Friday, June 3, 2011

Your Own Home Enterprise: Your Own Dream

The job market is not exactly thriving despite some brief reports that unemployment claims are down. There is nothing in the news that points to a full job market recovery in 2011. If you have still have a job, you might consider yourself "lucky" but how long will it last? There are very few jobs that offer "immunity idols" (yes I swiped that concept from Survivor) against getting laid off.
As an employee, you are expendable; meaning you can be replaced, discarded, used and then thrown out. Cost cuts come, expendable employees go away. The reason for this is simple. When sales and profits are down, the principles in any Enterprise begin to look at things they can get rid of. What seemed like a necessary position last year, may be a prime candidate for dismissal now.
One of the largest overhead items for any company is its payroll expense and this is the first place they look to chop dollars. One person who recently started a home based Enterprise tells me he did so just in time. His employer didn't fire him, but gave him a 10% pay cut! Fortunately, this person has been steadily building a Enterprise and now has a buffer to cover that 10%. But he's not satisfied with that. He will keep building until he can tell his boss what to do with that job including that pay cut!
Despite it being a bad job market, it's a good time to have a home based Enterprise from which you cannot be fired!

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