Friday, June 3, 2011

Considering Potentials: Where are you?

There are a lot of people with economic hardships right now. I have been writing about how we should look beyond the current economic hardships to build our home based Enterprises. In doing so, I don't mean to marginalize the fact that some people are actually hurting badly right now. There are people in danger of losing their homes or who have already lost them. Hard to have a home based Enterprise with no home.
My heart goes out to those people and if things are that desperate, this is not the time to start a home based Enterprise. A true home based Enterprise will take some time to monetize and will take an even bigger investment of time to bring in larger profits. So if you are absolutely desperate for every penny, this would not be not a good time to start a home Enterprise.
When people lose their jobs, they often feel themselves at a crossroads, not really knowing which road to take. I have felt that way several times in the past when I've lost a job due to circumstances beyond my control. At one point that 'beyond my control' point began to take on another meaning. I began to look at jobs as dead end propositions and began to look toward to building my own home based Enterprise. It was through this change in direction, that I stopped worrying about what was "beyond my control". With my home based Enterprise, nearly everything is under my control – mistakes and successes alike. That doesn't mean there isn't uncertainty, but at least I don't feel like I'm headed down a dead end road.
I hope this helps anyone who may be at that kind of "crossroads".

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