Friday, June 3, 2011

Job Market Vs Home Enterprise

Unless you've been hiding under rock for the past few years, you read a lot of economic 'gloom and doom' in the news. While the current sets of problems are certainly unique, the normal cycles of economics include both growth and contraction (recession). That's been going on for a quite a long time and the current recession probably won't be the last one.

The problem I'm seeing over the past 10 years is that the last period of "growth" didn't really include a lot of prosperity for job seekers. The growth in the job market was mostly in low paying service jobs and the high paying jobs continued to dry up. I think this trend will continue on as companies look for ways to be more efficient and run their Enterprises in the most cost effective manner.
One group of people that became prosperous in the last period of growth was people who built their own Enterprise. This is why there is so much interest in home based Enterprises now. I think a lot of people are waking up to the fact that good paying jobs are becoming scarcer and more difficult to compete for. 
I gave up competing in the job market around 2004 because it felt like I was spinning my wheels. Schooled and trained in Information Technologies, I grew tired of having to always chase after the latest and greatest technical certification in order to stay current. I got tired of having to go out on endless interviews that never went anywhere. Talk about time consuming! That's about the time I decided to pursue my home based Enterprise. I mean after all, if you're going to compete for something, it may as well be building your own Enterprise against your competitors.

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