Friday, June 3, 2011

Employment and Home Enterprises

Along with job cuts, pay cuts are now heading into the spotlight. A lot of companies are realizing that they can only cut so many jobs and that they can also save money by offering a pay cut instead to higher paid people. I suppose it then becomes a choice of taking the pay cut or quitting. Employers know full well this is not a good economy to be quitting a job and they leverage that to their advantage. I would guess most people who are offered pay cuts accept them without much of a fuss.
None of that exists with a home based Enterprise. You pay yourself and you decide how much you can pay yourself. At first it may not be very much, but over time, you can build your home based Enterprise into a full time income producer. A lot of home based Enterprises are marketed with the 'pie-in-the-sky' income levels and those levels can be reached over time.
But what a lot of people want is just a living income and home based Enterprises seldom advertise themselves as "make a living online" ventures. But it's a fair and worthy goal. The higher incomes can come later. And you may even have to give yourself a pay cut some month (followed by a pay raise the next month).

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